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Join date: Feb 2, 2023


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Hi, my name is Tony Perez.

I'm a 63 year old husband, father and grandfather with a life long love of the martial arts. I live in Brisbane, Australia. My journey began 50 years ago way back in 1973 as a mere 14 year old. I've been teaching continuosly for the past 40 years. I hold a 7th degree in American Kenpo, a 4th degree in Taekwondo and a 3rd degree in Kyusho-Jitsu. I want to study the Paxtial Arts to leave something meaningful for my wonderful 5 year old grandson who is my absolute shadow. Other than the martial arts, I am an aviation enthusiast and hold a private pilots license and enjoy flying the Cessna 172 Skyhawk when time (and money) permits.

Tony Perez

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