Mind: Philosophy Lesson 11
Mindscape offers a journey into revelation, perception, and identity. It’s about the quality of your ‘line’ -your personal ethos or moral code, defining your set-point and understanding the importance of gaining clarity on what a human being truly is.
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Lesson Information
Lesson Overview
Mindscape offers a journey into revelation, perception, and identity. It’s about the quality of your ‘line’ -your personal ethos or moral code, defining your set-point and understanding the importance of gaining clarity on what a human being truly is.
About This Lesson
There are lines seen and lines unseen. There are lines straight and lines curved. There are blurred lines.
There are curved lines that begin where they end. Making a circle.
A line is a moral code. A circle of ethics with boundaries.
Your lines define who you are.
All lines begin from a point. Your line starts from your ‘set-point’. From that ‘point of departure’, a trajectory begins but sometimes life’s trajectory doesn’t produce a meaningful, human experience, and so a shift is needed.
Some lives shift, some lives don't. Some shifts are instant, other shifts unfold over time.
Establishing a set-point turns your deep sense of values and purpose into a touchstone that will keep feet on the ground and your mindscope properly focused. Your set-point is the foundation of your soul because that defines your values, reveals your passion, and ignites your purpose.
Study Guide
Some of the topics and thoughts covered in this 11th lesson of the Philosophy Course in the Mind Section include:
SCAPE – A picture paints one thousand words. So what?
SCAPE LINE – What do you stand for?
SHIFT – Everybody dies, but some die and come back.
TAIJIO TU – The duality of a person’s nature
"If God gives us free will, we're responsible for what we do, what we fail to do." ~ Franz Jagerstatter - A Hidden Life
"Maybe I am prideful... but I don't know how I'm going to live with myself if I don't stay true to what I believe... much less how you could live with me. I'd never be the man that I wanna be in YOUR eyes." ~ Desmond Doss, Hacksaw Ridge
"Most of these men don't believe the same way you do, but they believe so much in how much you believe." ~ Captain Glover, Hacksaw ridge
"The path of mercy. That means only that you abandon self. No one should interfere with another man's spirit. To help others is the way of the Buddha and your way, too. The two religions are the same in this. It is not necessary to win anyone over to one side or another when there is so much to share." ~ Interpreter, Silence
"So if I was able to see what I was in in a different way, instead of responding to it anger, responding to it responsibility, responding to it with hope, I can help change that versus using all of that energy on just hating the people who I feel are creating the dynamic." ~ David Williamson, A Near Death Experience
"If you focus on hope, you're increasing the probability that other things can happen outside of the negative possibilities. If we collectively start understanding how to galvanize our attention in different ways, then we can magnify our creative capacity. If an individual can focus their attention on what they want and get it. Imagine if 20 ,000, 30 ,000, a million individuals can focus their attention on being unified and what they can create." ~ David Williamson – A Near Death Experience
"You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
"The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming. Why should I hide who I am?" ~ Harvey Dent, - Batman character - Gotham City’s prized District Attorney
"Keep in mind your eyes and ears are portals. What is allowed into your attention or intention portals can ensure a safe flight or end your plane of existence." ~ Baer Parker
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Group Discussion Prompt
Watch the movie, A Hidden Life. The Franz Jagerstatter character states; ‘If our leaders, if they're evil, what does one do? Do you think defiance can change the cause of things? How?
Watch the movie, Hacksaw Ridge. Share your thoughts this statement by the Desmond Doss character; ‘I need to serve. I got the energy and the passion to serve as a medic, right in the middle with the other guys. No less danger, just... while everybody else is taking life, I'm gonna be saving it. With the world so set on tearing itself apart, it doesn't seem like such a bad thing to me to wanna put a little bit of it back together.’
Watch the movie, Silence. In this movie, Father Rodrigues has to put his faith to the ultimate test. How did his vision, values and purpose define his stand?
How can you create your next life? What would a ‘future you’ look like?
What will keep you seeking True North?
Contemplation Journal
You are encouraged to keep journal notes of your studies. These may be a word, a quote, or an image that has resonated with you at a particular place on your journey. Journaling can help provide great personal insights, self-awareness opportunities, and keep you on track with your studies. As new revelations appear, reflecting on past journal entries can provide a good indication of your progress and personal growth.
For this lesson, here’s a few ideas that you may like to use to help get you started.
Draw a quick sketch of the Mindscape Glyph.
What is the ‘point’ of the eyes?
Build Your Stand
What would I do if I knew I only had one year to live?
What would I do if a natural disaster or terrorist event occurred in my local area?
What would I do if a friend asked me to help them move but I really wanted to go and play golf that day?
What would I do if I found out my favorite brand had been exploiting workers and participating in environmentally destructive practices?
What would I do if I knew I only had one year to live?
What would I do if a natural disaster or terrorist event occurred in my local area?
What would I do if a friend asked me to help them move but I really wanted to go and play golf that day?
What would I do if I found out my favorite brand had been exploiting workers and participating in environmentally destructive practices?
Define Your Values: More of
Healthy and positive
Loving and passionate
Wise and authentic
Grateful and truthful
Playful and fun
Learning and growing
Bold and decisive
Contributing to others
Define Your Values: Less of
Negative and judgmental
Attached and cluttered.
Discover your Passion
What books, movies, art, or music get you pumped?
Who inspires you and why?
What characteristics of yours make you feel great about yourself?
What activities would you do if you had more time and no barriers? What is meaningful to you about these activities?
What benefits to others would these activities or characteristics provide?
Could you change the world, making it even a tiny bit better by focusing more on these?
What would it take to get you to step into the arena of even just one of these activities?