Class 007: Mind - Philosophy Lesson 07
This is a lesson chat group. To receive credit for completing a lesson members post in the relevant chat group. Once the chat is reviewed by an Engineer, Physicist, or Architect the member will receive credit for completing the class. Members progress can be viewed in the ‘Members Progression’ area.
After watching the lesson, which can be found in the ‘Members Resources’ area you should be able to discuss the following.
Class Study Guide
Lessons from the sandpit:
Sound has the capacity to ______________, ______________ and form Physical ______________.
What 3 things are generated by thought?
The components of your left-brain analytical processor and your right-brain intuitive processor are designed for what purposes?
Sound nourishes which body system?
Name the six Mindgates?
Why are these Mindgates important?
What must you do with each of these Mindgates? M______________, M______________, and Mind ______________.
Silence this - No Mind
Mind hear?
Mind here!
Return mind to soul
Hear this - Thought is Awareness
Sound create
Sound destroy
Know this - Thought has polarity
If you think you can, you’re right
If you think you can’t, you’re right
Discipline this - Speak Truth
Stop Talking to Those Who Aren’t Listening
Align this - Soul Balance
The Paxtial Arts program is about the pursuit of peace. Before you can create peace with the world outside of you, you must make a place for peace inside of you.
Receive this- Speaker Wisely
‘No matter how many words you speak, no matter how many sentences you write down, experience cannot be replaced by words.’ - Shi Heng Yi
‘Your silence is a source of great strength.’ - Lao Tzu.
Safeguard Tranquility
Defend Tranquility
Speaker this: Karma
What goes around; comes around
Exhale this - The spirit of Aloha
ah, meaning kindness expressed with tenderness
loh, meaning unity expressed with harmony
hah, meaning humility to be expressed with modesty
nui, meaning patience expressed with perseverance
Inhale this - This Inhale
Live this
Group Discussion Prompt
What is the application of the concept of Mushin No Shin or ‘No-Mind’ – in our daily life?
Is it possible that our sense of hearing is more accurate sense of perception than our sense of sight?
Could sound be the key of life and the way through the matrix?
How can we raise our vibration?
Why is polarity important?
Is there a connection between sound and Sacred Geometry?
Does ‘speaking your truth’ have a different connotation to ‘telling the truth?’
Could there ever be a time when not being truthful would not damage your character?
Jordan Petersen stated that to speak what you might regard as the truth, you have to let go of the outcome. How is outcome affected by expectation?
How is silence a source of great strength?
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May 15, 2023
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